The following information is a guide to individuals and organizations considering the establishment of a scholarship for students attending St. Francis DeSales High School.
There are three types of scholarship funds:
creates a living legacy for countless generations of future students. A minimum of $25,000 is required to fund this type of scholarship. Invested into the school's endowment, the principal remains invested at all times with the investment income being used to fund the annual scholarship. A donation of $25,000 funds an annual scholarship of $1,000 perpetually.
is funded annually by the donor during the month of August. Although the scholarship amount is determined by the donor, the minimum scholarship amount awarded must be $1,000 annually. The donor must make a commitment to fund the scholarship for at least a five year term.
has been established to accommodate members of the DeSales Family who want to honor and memorialize a SFD loved one. Donations to the Memorial Scholarship are invested in the school's endowment fund and fund a growing number of $1,000 scholarships to the students of St. Francis DeSales High School.
Determining the Criteria for Your Perpetual or Annually Funded Scholarship
The Office of Advancement will assist you in determining the critical aspects of your scholarship. They will help you customize your scholarship to meet your intentions for establishing your scholarship. Please contact Michele Moriarty at 614-267-7808 ext. 403 or
Administering the Scholarships
The Office of Advancement serves as the administrator of existing and future scholarships. You will be made aware of the calendar of events during the course of the year, to include the selection of the winner, the awarding of the scholarship and other related items and events during the course of each academic year by the Office of Advancement.
Public Announcement of Your Scholarship
Your scholarship will be on the school website, as well as the school's Scholarship Recognition Wall, and in the Mighty Pen magazine for the purpose of recognizing the scholarship recipients and to acknowledge our generous donors. You have the option of being an anonymous donor should you wish.
Click here to view scholarships currently offered to our students.
To donate to any of our current SFD Scholarships, please fill out the online donation below: