St. Francis DeSales High School is committed to making a Catholic education attainable and affordable. We appreciate the value our families place on education and are committed to helping each family create a financial strategy that works for them.

Columbus Ohio Catholic High School


The idea of financing your high school education may seem overwhelming - it’s a major investment. But what other investment yields incredible spiritual and intellectual growth, and the opportunity to make some of the best friends and memories of your life?

With numerous resources for tuition assistance to meet families' varying needs, your St. Francis DeSales High School education can be affordable. Our Enrollment Team will work with you through each step - applying for, accepting, and managing tuition assistance - to ensure your out of pocket cost is minimized.

Lifetime Dividends

The idea of financing your high school education may seem overwhelming - it’s a major investment.  But what other investment yields incredible spiritual and intellectual growth, and the opportunity to make some of the best friends and memories of your life?

With numerous resources for tuition assistance to meet families' varying needs, your St. Francis DeSales High School education can be affordable.   Our Enrollment Team will work with you through each step - applying for, accepting, and managing tuition assistance - to ensure your out of pocket cost is minimized.

TUITION AND FEE RATES FOR 2025-2026 $13,600

2025-2026 Tuition Payment Schedule

The following dates will assist you with your planning for the 2025-2026 school year.

May 15: Tuition rates for the 2025-2026 school year are announced in Mid-April and invoiced statements are emailed to parents. Families are asked to review and approve their tuition contract by May 15th.

June 20: Early Incentive Bonus. A 5% discount, with a maximum of $500 will be applied if the Tuition and Student Life Fee are paid in full.

July 1: Blackbaud Tuition Management plans for the 2025-2026 school year begin.

St. Francis DeSales High School will automatically apply the following awards toward your tuition if you are eligible:

  • For all grades, this non-need-based award of $1,000 is awarded to families that are actively participating in a Columbus Diocesan Parish.

  • A non-need-based award of $800 is awarded to the second child concurrently enrolled at St. Francis DeSales High School. Families concurrently enrolling additional children should contact the SFDHS Enrollment Office to discuss additional tuition assistance.

  • An award consistent with the Columbus Diocesan COACE agreement is applied toward tuition.

  • Academic Merit Scholarships are awarded to incoming freshmen based on academic achievement and performance on the January St. Francis DeSales Entrance Exam .

  • There are 19 first year Scholarship awards available for students entering the ninth grade. First year scholarship applications are due in January. Additional scholarships are available for rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors through an annual application.

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St. Francis DeSales High School participates in the Ohio Department of Education EdChoice and Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship Programs.  With the recent expansion of the Ohio EdChoice Expansion Program, school choice scholarships are now available for EVERY family.  Families are only eligible to apply for ONE scholarship. 

If you are eligible for either the Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship or the Traditional EdChoice Scholarship, this is your starting point.  If not, please submit an EdChoice Expansion Scholarship application. 

Once a student has received acceptance to St Francis DeSales High School, the Enrollment Team will assist you in preparing your application for these scholarships.

  • St. Francis DeSales High School provides learning intervention services through the Jon Peterson Special Needs Scholarship Program. Students who have an Individualized Education Program (IEP) from their district of residence are eligible to apply. The amount of each scholarship is based on the disability identified on the student’s IEP (as categorized by the Ohio Department of Education) and is directly applied toward intervention services.

    A portion of the JPSNS, starting at $2,000 and increasing on a sliding scale based on each family’s size and related percentage of each family’s adjusted gross income (AGI) to the federal poverty level, is applied toward tuition each year.

  • The EdChoice Traditional Scholarship Program provides opportunities for Ohio students who are assigned to underperforming schools to attend a participating private school with significant financial assistance. This aid is not need-based. The EdChoice Traditional Scholarship amount is $8,407.

  • ALL Ohio students not currently receiving the JPSNS or Traditional EdChoice Scholarship are eligible for the EdChoice Expansion Scholarship. Scholarships start at $950 and increase on a sliding scale based on each family’s size and related percentage of each family’s adjusted gross income (AGI) to the federal poverty level.

    The Income Eligibility Requirements for 2025-26 chart provided by the Ohio Department of Education may be used for reference purposes to estimate your potential award. Please note that the State of Ohio, determines family size and verifies income.

Tuition Assistance Opportunities

STEP 2: Apply for Need-Based Tuition Assistance

Donors across the Diocese of Columbus have been generous in contributing to tuition assistance funds. These funds are dispersed each year to families in need - taking into account the amount of available funds, the number of families applying for aid, and the individual need of those families. 

To apply for tuition assistance, you must complete a grant application online through FACTS.

Blackbaud Tuition Management 

We offer flexible tuition payment plans through Blackbaud Tuition Management so that families can tailor their tuition payments to their financial schedule.

Once a tuition contract is completed, a Blackbaud Tuition Management account will be created for each family to make payments for all tuition and fees. The online site provides you with the ability to customize your payment preferences and plan, with the ability to pay your tuition via bank draft or credit card, with multiple payment plan options.


If you have a 529 Savings Plan, you can use it to pay tuition at St. Francis DeSales High School, up to $10,000 per student, by instructing your 529 Savings Plan to submit payment to the school.