“The world tells us to seek success, power, and money; God tells us to seek humility, service, and love.” Pope Francis

Saint Francis DeSales High School encourages students to heed our Lord’s call to serve one another out of love by offering a variety of service clubs and school-wide initiatives, including the annual canned food drive and Christmas in the Courtyard. Learn more about these and other exciting opportunities below.
Over the course of a student’s time at SFD, he or she will have many opportunities to engage in service through clubs, class projects, and school-wide initiatives. Each year, students will spend time reflecting on service. Towards the end of senior year, students will create summative portfolios to show what they have done and learned. This will serve as a central component to the Journey Project.
Learn more about the service clubs St. Francis DeSales offers by visiting the service club page on our website!